This page includes data that provide two perspectives on the population in need of personal care. The first two data sets are from the U.S. Census Bureau. The first includes the percentage of the population age 65 and older from the Census Population Estimates. The second data set, from the American Community Survey, includes the percentage of the population age 65 and older living alone. The third data set, from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, includes the number of people receiving long-term care services through the Community Options Program (COP) or Medicaid Waiver programs and the number of people receiving Family Care.
U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates
Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Wisconsin Public Health Profiles
Long-term care recipients include frail elderly, physically disabled (of any age), developmentally disabled (of any age), and children and adults up to age 22 with mental health disabilities who are receiving long-term care services through the Community Options Program (COP) or Medicaid Waiver programs. Family Care is a Medicaid long-term care program for adults with physical or intellectual/developmental disabilities and frail elders. Family Care Partnership programs are similar to Family Care, but include primary and acute care services, and prescription drugs.