3.06 Homelessness

This page includes data on homelessness from various local organizations serving that population. The Point-in-Time (PIT) count in Wisconsin is a bi-annual unduplicated count of the sheltered and unsheltered homeless population, on a single night in January and again in July. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that Continuums of Care conduct an annual count of the homeless population who are sheltered in emergency shelters and transitional housing. Counts of the unsheltered homeless population are only required in odd numbered years. The annual population housed in emergency shelters differs from the PIT count in that numbers may be duplicated―whether within the same shelter or across shelters - over the course of the year.


Homeless Connection (Appleton area)


Christine Ann Domestic Abuse Services, Inc.

Day by Day Warming Shelter, Inc.

Father Carr’s Place 2B

Fox Valley Warming Shelter, Inc.

Harbor House Crisis Shelters


Appleton area covers Outagamie and the northern portion of Winnebago and Calumet Counties. Oshkosh area is defined as the southern portion of Winnebago County. The 2013 Oshkosh area PIT count data are not available.

Changes in the Point-in-Time Count in 2018 and beyond reflect a change in the type of housing programs available and how individuals in those programs are counted.  In 2018, transitional housing programs were converted to rapid rehousing programs.  Persons in transitional housing are considered homeless for the purposes of the Point-in-Time Count whereas persons in rapid rehousing programs are not.